Saint Joseph Hospital & Good Samaritan Hospital
Neonatal Intensive Care Units
My Journey in the NICU
part 2
This Video is 10 minutes
Video Highlights:
benefits of kangaroo care (skin to skin holding) ​
demonstrations of how to transfer baby out of their bed
Who should watch:
Any parent in the NICU​ with a baby less than 30 weeks gestation
Any parent where mom is on bed rest expecting a delivery earlier than 30 weeks gestation

​​My Journey in the NICU
part 3
This Video is 5 minutes
Video Highlights:
taking care of yourself during a NICU stay
recognizing your baby's sleep/wake states
recognizing your baby's ready/I'm overwhelmed cues ​
Who should watch:
Any parent in the NICU​
You do not need to watch part 1 or part 2 to watch this video
Any parent where mom is on bed rest expecting a delivery earlier than 30 weeks gestation

​Skin to Skin Holding
This Video is 10 minutes
This video has a Spanish and English version
Video Highlights:
benefits of kangaroo care (skin to skin holding) ​
demonstrations of how to transfer baby out of their bed
Who should watch:
Any parent in the NICU​
Watch within the 1st day or 2 of your stay prior to holding your baby - especially if your baby is less than 30 weeks
Any parent where mom is on bed rest expecting a delivery earlier than 30 weeks gestation

​​Swaddled Bathing
This Video is 10 minutes
This video has a Spanish and English version
Video Highlights:
developmentally appropriate techniques for sponge and tub baths
Who should watch:
Any parent in the NICU​
Before you give your baby their 1st bath
Any parent where mom is on bed rest expecting a delivery earlier than 30 weeks gestation

This Video is 30 minutes
Video Highlights:
massage teaching for term infants (not appropriate for small NICU babies)​
good resource for after you discharge home
Who should watch:
Only watch if recommended to you by your developmental therapist
Developmental Therapy will teach parents appropriate massage for preemies in person during your NICU stay