Saint Joseph Hospital & Good Samaritan Hospital
Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Small Baby Team

All babies in the NICU that are less than 30 weeks gestation are cared for as part of our Small Baby Team. Small babies are at increased risk for long term negative outcomes which creates increased challenges and stress for families. Some of these include increased respiratory complications, increased neurological and developmental complications, increased hospital stay and cost. While each of our infants are unique and receive individualized care, research has shown that caring for infants considered Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) < 1500 grams and/or very preterm (< 30 weeks) have improved outcomes if they are cared for by individuals who have received focused training to meet their specific needs.
What does this mean?
Every member of our NICU has been trained to care for All infants that are admitted.
Members of our Small Baby Team have received additional training that focuses on the specific needs of very small, very premature infants.
Members of the team include individuals from every discipline:
nurse practitioners
respiratory therapists
occupational therapists
Not only have these individuals received extensive training on the care of small babies, they have also agreed to practice and care for these infants in a very specific way. This means providing developmentally supportive care with every interaction for these infants until they reach the age and maturity to graduate out of the Small Baby Team care group.
We will engage you in these processes to be the most integral part of your infant’s care team. Our goal is to improve outcomes for these infants and ultimately have healthy babies and happy families.
For more information on our Small Baby Team, please reach out to a NICU provider or a member of our NICU team.