Saint Joseph Hospital & Good Samaritan Hospital
Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Gestational Ages
36 Weeks and Older

Before Your Baby Is Born
Body, arms and legs are plump with many creases and folds in skin.
Arms, legs and head are in a flexed position.
Lungs are developing.
Feeding, sleeping and activity patterns are being established.
Babies born at this age will not usually require specialized care, unless there is a complication.
Baby looks plump and well formed.
Arms and legs remain close to body with elbows and knees bent.
Skin is smooth and soft.
Facial features often look like a family member.
Tone and Posture
Muscles are strong.
Baby holds arms and legs flexed and drawn up close to body.
When baby is held in sitting position, the head remains upright for a few seconds.
When held, your baby will snuggle.
Movements are smooth, controlled and appear purposeful.
May be observed bringing hand to mouth, sucking a finger, waving arms and legs, and wiggling body.
Head is able to turn from side to side.
Grasp is usually strong.
Your baby is able to straighten his/her arms, legs and body.
Your baby is able to focus, follow and maintain eye contact with you.
He/she will turn eyes and/or head to soft light or moving object.
He/she likes patterns and curves but prefers the human face.
He/she may enjoy following a bright toy or a hanging object.
He/she will look away when tired.
Your baby still has poor eye control; eyes may appear crossed at times.
May be startled by loud noises.
May turn head and/or eyes toward sound.
May block out irritating sounds or sounds that are frequently heard.
Likes the human voice.
Knows mother’s voice.
Allow your baby to experience various sounds like bells, rattles and music boxes.
The pattern of suck, swallow and breathing, which is needed for nipple feeding, is strong and well-coordinated.
The gag reflex, which keeps the baby from choking, is complete.
The rooting reflex is strong.
Infant may tire quickly when feeding.
A gentle touch may be relaxing.
Enjoys being covered, wrapped or contained.
Knows the difference between pleasurable and painful touch.
If your baby is very sick, too much touching may be irritating.
Your baby sleeps approximately 75 percent of the time but is able to wake up on own and remain alert for several minutes.
When awake, your baby may be actively moving or remain laying quiet.
He/she may show distinct periods of attention or interest to stimuli.
He/she enjoys social contact.
Crying is used to signal a need or to show pain, discomfort or hunger.
Your baby can often quiet or calm self.
Things To Do For Your Baby
Hold your baby with arms and legs pulled up close to face and abdomen.
Encourage your baby to bring hands to mouth.
Let your baby grasp your finger.
Support your baby’s head.
Hold your baby close to your body and use different positions when holding.
Place in soft pumpkin seat for short periods of time.
Position your baby so eyes are shaded from bright lights to encourage eye opening.
Watch for approach signals so your baby will be alert and ready for contact.
Hold your baby about 8-12 inches from your face for better infant focusing.
Show objects that have different patterns, such as black and white.
May become tired trying to focus on you; watch for time-out signals.
Talk, sing or read stories in a soft voice.
Record and play soothing music or record voices of family members for your baby to hear.
Call your baby by name.
Change voice tones when speaking.
Project your voice on both sides of your baby’s head to encourage turning toward the sound and searching for the sound.
Breast-or bottle-feed when possible.
Gently rub top, bottom and sides of mouth to elicit the rooting reflex.
Shield your baby’s eyes from bright lights during feeds.
Offer a pacifier.
Use your baby’s signals to guide touching and holding.
Encourage your baby to touch different textures, including fabrics, toys and skin.
Encourage your baby to learn about his/her own body by touching baby’s hand to hand, hand to head, hand to knee or foot and foot to foot. Bath time may provide a good opportunity for learning.
Learn about kangaroo care. This is when mom or dad holds the baby on their chest with the baby’s skin next to theirs.
"I’m Overwhelmed" Behaviors (see "I’m Overwhelmed" Behaviors Section)
These behaviors may mean your baby is stressed and needs a rest.
Change in breathing pattern
Change in heart rate
Change in color
A worried face
Limp posture
Looking away
Frantic movements
Tremors or startles
Widening of fingers
Arching posture
Closing eyes
"I'm Ready" Behaviors (see "I'm Ready" Behaviors section)
These behaviors may mean your baby is ready for interaction.
Awake and quiet
Bright and shiny eyes
Focused attention (looking)
Making cooing sounds
Decrease in activity
Sucking movements
Face, arms and legs relaxed
Turning toward sound
Fingers curled